Dr. Landon LaPorte, our alumnus from Dr. McLaughlin's lab, will give a talk on Becoming a UX Researcher.
Read MoreOur November 17th meetup: Steven King — Emerging technologies for public storytelling /
How is storytelling changing, as the technologies for delivering stories change so rapidly? How should technology change, as it becomes so deeply intertwined with storytelling?
Read MoreNexUX teaser: Jason Broughton /
In his coming meetup, Jason will speak about his mission to revitalize UX at his company. In this preview, he speaks about his education, his work in the Valley, the broad range of skills a UX practitioner needs, and one reason that Amazon named its speakers "Alexa." Jason is on Twitter at @jbroughton.
Read MoreSave the fall 2017 nexUX meetup dates! /
Friday, Sept 29: Jason Broughton, VP of UX at LexisNexis — Revitalizing UX at Lexis Nexis
Friday, November 17th: Steven King, professor of Interactive and Multimedia at UNC's School of Media and Journalism — Journalism & UX
Friday, December 8th: Jay Dawkins, CEO of Cityzen — Emerging technologies for public storytelling
Read MoreOur September 29th meetup: Jason Broughton — Revitalizing UX at LexisNexis /
How does a successful knowledge company built on software products pivot toward a more agile, responsive, and user-centered way of working?
Read MoreThe Lexis Nexis Experience Innovation Studio opens /
The LexisNexis Experience Innovation Studio recently held its grand opening. The facility is a center for UX-focused collaboration with local universities, industry and organizations. NexUX played an important role in developing the Studio, and will be helping to bring the Studio to life over the summer.
Stay tuned for further developments, and contact us if you are interested in helping!
Read MoreNexUX receives an award from Eastman Chemical /
We received an award of $5000 from Eastman Chemical in support of our meetups. Thanks Eastman!
We'll be restarting our meetups in August.
Read MoreOur Dec 5 meetup: David Kaber of NC State — Understanding emotions in human-robot interaction /
In many applications of contemporary technology, emotional impacts on users can be just as important as functional outcomes. How can we reliably measure and understand human emotional states in interactive systems?
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