Dave Kaber of NC State Industrial Engineering
Understanding emotions in human-robot interaction — Mon Dec 5 3PM @ Hunt
In many applications of contemporary technology, emotional impacts on users can be just as important as functional outcomes. How can we reliably measure and understand human emotional states in interactive systems? In this talk, Dave Kaber will describe a few methods for emotion analysis with illustration in the context healthcare robotics. Please bring your questions to the meetup!
David B. Kaber is Distinguished Professor and Director of Research at The Ergonomics Center of North Carolina at NC State. He earned his PhD at Texas Tech in 1996. David teaches and conducts research in ergonomics with special focus on cognitive engineering, human-computer interaction, human factors in systems design and engineering, human performance modeling and occupational ergonomics. He has special interest in adaptive automation design, human-automation interaction in life sciences, human-robot interaction in healthcare, aviation human factors and cockpit display design, virtual reality simulation for motor skill training, and measuring and modeling driver distraction and situation awareness. He is @gmrobpkp on Twitter.
As always with our meetups, this is not a "sit back and listen" meeting, but a chance for us to bring together a cross disciplinary group of people to think about the relationship between UX, technology, and design. Mostly though, we'll get to know one another, and have some fun. If you'll come, please RSVP!