In this chat, we'll be able to ask a prominent figure in the gaming industry about his experience, his methods, and more.
Update: We chatted about the UX/gaming connection, the emerging technologies of VR and AR, and the risk-averse gaming industry.
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Friday, November 13: Mike Capps, gaming guru — a fireside chat
Friday, December 11: Emil Polyak, NCSU — art/technology experiences
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How can UX and neuroscience help develop a game? These disciplines provide very concrete and easy-to-use tips to anticipate and solve game design problems. This talk will provide (sometimes fun!) brain facts and UX tips illustrated by examples from various titles.
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In the near future, technology won't only be found on our wrists, but in our clothes. It will measure, draw its power from, and interact with our bodies. How will this technology change our lives? How might we use it to improve them?
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The Design Division at SAS supports thousands of users around the world. Ron will talk about the Division's focus on accessibility, how it's been impacted by mobile devices, how the Division must adapt to the future, and about academic collaboration.
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New technologies such as EEG, FMRI and fNIR can measure brain activity. How well suited are they to capturing human experience? In this meetup we'll learn about the practicality and utility of these technologies for UX.
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Friday, 2/6/2015: Chang Nam, Professor NCSU — measuring experience
Monday, 2/23/2015: Ron Statt, Director R&D SAS — UX in analytics
Monday, 3/30/2015: Jesse Jur, Professor NCSU — wearable technology
Thursday, 4/30/2015: Celia Hodent, Director UX Epic Games — gaming UX
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It's finals week, and things are intense. You need to refresh with something visceral. Circuit Studio and Lee Cherry are here to help!
Heads up! This event is not at the Hunt. Jameson Hogan of the studio will introduce Arduino, while Lee Cherry will introduce us to his Pixy camera.
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